Welcome to St Andrews
We look forward to meeting you over the coming weeks, whether it be at the Saturday market, picking kids up from school, at The General Store, or at one of the many community activities. We have created a listing of everything we could think of within the direct environs of St Andrews hoping to help you get to know a bit more about our neighbourhood and our community. Please take the time to look around this website and even better, pop in for a chat at WADAMBUK; our celebrated community centre.
ServicesWadambuk St Andrews Community Centre
35 Caledonia St, St Andrews, 3761 9710 1223 Mon to Thu; 9am to 1pm www.standrewscommunitycentre.org St Andrews Primary School
15 Caledonia St, St Andrews. Principal Dean Simpson 9710 1255 or 0427 493 693 St. Andrews CFA
67 Caledonia St, St Andrews, 3761. Emergency Calls 000 Station 9710 1441 Duty Officer 0417 271 897 click on the links for Historic Church of St Andrews
Rev David Sullivan Services held at St Matthews, Main Rd, Panton Hill Sundays 8.45am & 10am. Also Monday 10am 9719 7438 Yarra Plenty Mobile Library Bus
Every Tuesday 2pm to 4pm Wadambuk St Andrews Community Centre St Andrews Playgroup
Every Thursday during school term at St Andrews Primary School. 9.30 am – 11.30 am. ph 9710 1255 Community Shuttle bus
Saturday bus service run by volunteers for a gold coin donation Hurstbridge Station – Panton Hill – Smiths Gully – St Andrews – Cottles Bridge 9433 3723 Wild Life Help
1300 094 535 Health Ability
(previously Nillumbik Health) 917 Main Rd, Eltham, 3095 9430 9100 An independent, not-for-profit community owned organisation that provides a range of health services within one organisation. Includes dental services, physiotherapy, exercise class, parenting seminars, financial counselling and more. Counselling
Dr Natasha Davison Registered Psychologist based at Wadambuk on Wednesdays. No referral necessary. Appointments can be made by calling 0409 176 069. Medicare rebate available Clinical Pilates & Yoga
Sally Hicks Classes at Wadambuk Mondays 9.30 am and Thursdays 7.00 pm. Clinical Pilates sessions in St Andrews available by appointment, call 0402 090 044 Myotherapy
Rachel Powers 0418 647 440 Based at Wadambuk by appointment Hurstbridge Maternal & Child Health Centre
9718 1039 36 Greysharps Rd, Hurstbridge, 3099 Hurstbridge Medical Centre
1022 Heidelberg-Kinglake Rd, Hurstbridge, 3099 9710 1673 Kinglake Ranges Health Centre
19 Whittlesea Kinglake Rd, Kinglake, 3763 1300 77 3352 03 5734 8400 Nearest Hospital is The Austin
145 Studley Rd, Heidelberg 03 9496 5000 Nillumbik Shire Council
9433 3111 Our State Member of Parliament
Eildon Electorate Cindy McLeish Shop 10, 38-40 Bell St, Yarra Glen, 3775 9730 1066 Our federal member of Parliament
McEwen Electorate Rob Mitchell Shop 4, 30 Wallis St, Seymour, 3660. PO BOX 465, Seymour, 3660. 132 326 |
Local ShopsSt Andrew’s General Store & Post Office
Deb Oaks 10 Caledonia St, St Andrews. 9710 1223 Open daily with The Folk Ally Café operating Tues to Sat 9am to 3.30pm. St Andrews Hotel
79 Burns St, St Andrews. Open and serving meals daily. Live music Saturdays & Sundays. 9710 1201 A Local Baker
83 Burns St, St Andrews. 0430 535 494 Open Thursday to Sunday 9am to 5pm. A Boy Named Sue
87 Burns St, St Andrews. 9710 1023 Open Thu, Fri, Sat & Sun St Andrew’s Stockfeed & Elgas
Jamie and Allen Frankenberg 9710 1673 Special Interest GroupsSt Andrews Men’s Shed
Michael Aldred 35 Caledonia St, St Andrews – Rear of Wadambuk Every Wed 9am – 1pm and Thur 7pm to 10pm phone 0417 525 169 email [email protected] St Andrews Landcare
Kate Fitzherbert 9710 1509 Stringybark Community Nursery
Propagation of locally indigenous plants by volunteers – all welcome. Tube stock $1 or free! 1st left off School Rd before bridge, down behind Men’s Shed & Wadambuk. Every Tue 3.30pm – 5pm and every 2nd Sunday from 9.30am. Closed on Severe/Code Red days. St Andrews Queenstown Historical Society
Helen Kenney 97190 1519 Black Saturday Memorials
1. Memorial niche & garden at Wadambuk 2. Blacksmiths tree, Chadd’s Creek Rd, Strathewen. 3. Bald Spur St Andrews Memorial 215 Bald Spur Road, Kinglake, 3763 Google Maps ref -37.541929, 145.315122 Lasting memories Mosaic Group Every Monday evening during school terms at St Andrews Primary School 7 pm to 9 pm. Craft Circle
9710 1223 1 to 4pm weekly on Thursdays at Wadambuk. Edendale Farm
9433 3316 School Holiday activities, Sustainable living workshops, Native Nursery, Harvest Festival & more. St Andrews Food Swap
3rd Sunday of the month 10am to 11am under the verandah of St Andrews Hall. From Garden to Kitchen
St. Andrews Film Society
9710 1386 Screenings held at the St Andrews Hall. 3 groups: 3rd Friday night of the month, 3rd Saturday evening of the month, 4th Thur afternoon of the month. Freebies of St Andrews, Smith’s Gully, Panton Hill and Surroundings
Recycle… remember … One person’s trash is another person’s treasure. Living & Learning Nillumbik
Centres in Eltham, Diamond Creek & Panton Hill which offer a range of accredited social and recreational programs. 9433 3744 Nillumbik U3A
U3A stands for University of the Third Age - the time of active retirement from full time employment. Special interest groups range from Theatre going, Bridge, Book club, language classes, table tennis, technology classes and more. 0468 300 764 Nillumbik Combined Probus Inc
Aimed at Retirees to progress healthy minds and active bodies through social interaction and activities, expand interests and to enjoy the fellowship of new friends. Meets every 2nd Wed at 9.45am at Bridges Restaurant. |
MarketsMaker’s Market
At Wadambuk St Andrews Community Centre 2nd Saturday of the month 9am – 2pm St Andrews Community Market
Every Saturday 8am – 2pm Kinglake Produce and Artesian market
4th Sunday of the month, (closed Jun, July, Aug). 10am – 3pm Bollygum Community Craft Market
2nd Sunday of the month, (closed Jun, Jul, Aug). Eltham Community and Craft Market
3rd Sunday of the month (closed Jan) 8.30am to 1.30pm Hurstbridge Farmers Market
1st Sunday of the month 8.30am – 1pm Sports & ClubsWadambuk also offers a range of health and wellbeing classes – Yoga, Pilates, Strength classes and more to keep you fit.
For team based sports, see the following: St Andrews Tennis Club 9719 1040 St Andrews Pony Club 9710 1175 www.standrews.ponyclubvic.org.au St Andrews Adult Riders www.standrewsadultriders.org Panton Hill Cricket Club 9710 7280 www.pantonhill.vic.cricket.com.au Panton Hill Football Club https://www.facebook.com/pantonhillfc/ Hurstbridge Hurricanes Basket Ball Club https://www.facebook.com/Hurstbridgehurricanes/ Hurstbridge Bowling Club 36 Graysharps Rd, Hurstbridge 9718 2160 www.hurstbridgebc.bowls.com.au NillumBUG – Nillumbik Bicycle Users Group Every Wed and Thu mornings at various meeting points https://nillumbug.wordpress.com/ Smiths Gully Mountain Bike Group https://www.facebook.com/groups/199614954781/ Nillumbik U3A Walking Group [email protected] www.nillumbiku3a.org.au/walking-group-0 Eltham and Evirons Walking Group Mark Watson 0417 343 751 Website gives detailed description of over 100 walks within the area. http://elthamenvironswg.org.au/walks-by-region.html Local Playgrounds Bollygum Adventure Playground in Kinglake, Yarra Glen Adventure Playground, Eltham North Adventure Playground, Diamond Valley Railway. There are smaller playgrounds in St Andrews adjacent to the tennis courts, in Panton Hill close to the round-about on Bishops Rd and in Hurstbridge adjacent to the primary school. EventsWattle Festival
28 Aug 2016 Celebrating the end of winter and the joys of living in Melbourne’s Green Wedge. Stroll the main street of Hurstbridge and enjoy an extensive array of entertainment, events and activites for all the family. The Popular flagship attraction is a ride on the fully restored K class steam engine all the way to and from Flinders Street Station. http://wattlefestival.org.au/ On The Hill Festival 23 Oct 2016 Put on by the local community of Panton Hill – it’s a day of free activates, nature, culture, music and fabulous food for the whole family. https://www.facebook.com/OnTheHillFestivalPantonHill Artists Open Studios – An event that takes place three weekends a year - Studios include: Baldessin Press & Studio, Yow Yow Studio & Dunmoochin. 1300 660 072 http://artistsopenstudios.com.au/ Open Cellars of Nillumbik 15 and 16 Oct, 2016 1300 660 072 http://www.opencellars.com.au/ |