What is Landcare?
Landcare is a community-based organisation that brings people together to look after the land. Our members work to protect our native animals and plants and their habitats, keep our rivers and creeks healthy, and support the sustainable use of land. Landcare members are volunteers and come from all walks of life. Anyone can be a part of Landcare and contribute their skills and experience. Landcare is a great way to meet like-minded people from your local community, and awaken a love of the bush in your children or grandchildren. People participate in Landcare activities as and when they can. Every contribution makes a difference. Why not join now! Membership Membership is $15 per individual, $20 per household (family), which also provides insurance cover when on Landcare activities. As a landcare member you can get access to:
As a landcare member, you can share your expertise and skills with other members and the wider community. You will receive regular emails alerting you to information sessions, land management workshops, working bees and other events. And you will be part of protecting our wonderful St Andrews environment. To join St Andrews Landcare, download and complete the membership form, enclose fee and drop it in the St Andrews General Store. Or, if preferred, make an EFT payment to: Account Name: St Andrews Landcare BSB: 633 000 Account number: 112153937
St Andrews Landcare P O Box 156 St Andrews VIC 3761 So please join up now and help when you can. (Landcare groups do not receive any annual funding allocation from government for their work.)